Mixing Emulsifying Series
- > Lab high shear mixer
- > TRH High Shear Dispersing Emulsifier(Intermittent)
- > Jet High Shear Dispersing Emulsifier
- > Pipeline High Shear Dispersing Emulsifier
- > TRL-A Liquid and Powder Mixer
- > TRL-H Shear pump
- > TRS Powder Liquid High Shear Dispersing Emulsifier
- > TRL-B Efficient Online Mixer System
- > TRL-C Suction-Powder Mixing Dispersing Emulsifier
- > Bottom High Shear Dispersing Emulsifier
- > Colloid mill

Flat vane pump(No-blocking pump)

The principle Is that the special flat board is adopted as the rough the physicaI viscous driving and the special structure of flat vane.the medium will form Iaminar flow to pulI the medium from the inlet and push it to the outlet centrifugal flat vane pump is designed to transport fluid medium through the physical viscosity driving and the Iaminar flow formed by the medium Therefore, the medium wilI make bar-shaped flow inside the pump without lmpact.the medium contacting the vane and the flow Iayer of tube wall are static to the vane,and they can move synchronously without friction,so that there is no medium impact that may damage the product,and the laminar flow of pump can be protected Therefore,the flat vane pump can absolutely solve the common problems of produet damage abrasion of vane and pump body caused by media,vane blocking and occurrence of cavitation etc. The special functions of flat vane pump enable the pump to work under severe conditions more reliably more excellently.more economically and more efficiently. Most important of wilI not damage the mediu.It is applicable for transporting media of different viscosity,media of high viscosity,media with solid particles,media requiring that the particles should be protected from being damaged and media requiring soft transportation and not be easily impacted by high speed centrlfugal impact.

This is a sanitary flat vane pump used for transporting blood plasma,fruit juice and milk products, and the product Ioss reaches the minimum. The fruit juice is very sensitive to the impact and abrasion,and users require There shall have no destroy.The product loss of any other pump reaches 20—40%but as for flat vane pump,this figure decreases will be much lower than before.

The flat vane pump is not centrifugal pump,displacement pump,gear pump or vane pump. With its unique structure, it is the optimal combination of performance of traditional pump and pump technology for severe working conditions.
No Radial Load
The flat vane pump makes full use of the natural force of boundary flow Iayer and viscous driving.
No Impact
The boundary flow layer is the boundary where the fluid molecules are gathered,which wilI rotate according to the flat vane. It can create a naturaI and protective buffer area that can separate the pump cavity from the fluid.
No Pulse
Through viscous pulling,the fluid will smoothly pass through the pump cavity without the occurrence of impact. The boundary layer wiII absorb and puII the excessive fluid molecules ivnto the paralIeI fluid.
Somooth Sheet Flow
It is the basic principle of viscous pulling. The flat vane pump can smoothly pulI the fluid medium out of the flat vane to the outlet in sheet form without the occurrence of eddy current and shaking flow.
The non-impact and sheet flow of flat vane pump is similar to the situation of direct passing through a pipe of fluid. The flow layer that is close to the tube wall is static in relation to the flat vane,and thus,the protective boundary layer is produced. The viscous pulling can smoothly pull the laminar flow into the flow in sheet form.
No impacting parts will damage you product. The boundary layer can protect the pump. The flat vane pump can absolutely eliminate the occurrence of blocking,cavitation, excessive abrasion,damage of product and medium the maximum extent. Under severe applications, the flat vane pump is more reliable,more efficient more economical with Ionger service life and fewer maintenance,and most important of alI, the medium and product will not be damaged.
Media Pontaining Gas And Air
Because of the non-impact and sheet flow,even the bubbles will not be broken during the transportation. They can pass through the flat vane as smoothly as solid particles. Even if the transported fluid contains gas of more than 70%,there will have no occurrence of explosion and cracking of bubbles and there will have no occurrence of cavitation,noise and vibration etc.
The principle Is that the special flat board is adopted as the rough the physicaI viscous driving and the special structure of flat vane.the medium will form Iaminar flow to pulI the medium from the inlet and push it to the outlet centrifugal flat vane pump is designed to transport fluid medium through the physical viscosity driving and the Iaminar flow formed by the medium Therefore, the medium wilI make bar-shaped flow inside the pump without lmpact.the medium contacting the vane and the flow Iayer of tube wall are static to the vane,and they can move synchronously without friction,so that there is no medium impact that may damage the product,and the laminar flow of pump can be protected Therefore,the flat vane pump can absolutely solve the common problems of produet damage abrasion of vane and pump body caused by media,vane blocking and occurrence of cavitation etc. The special functions of flat vane pump enable the pump to work under severe conditions more reliably more excellently.more economically and more efficiently. Most important of wilI not damage the mediu.It is applicable for transporting media of different viscosity,media of high viscosity,media with solid particles,media requiring that the particles should be protected from being damaged and media requiring soft transportation and not be easily impacted by high speed centrlfugal impact. Application range:it is applicable for transporting media of different viscosity,media of high viscosity media with solid particles of more than 75%(accord-ing to the can be designed to transport particles of 30—80mm),media requiring that the particles should be protected from being damaged,media with gas or air of more than 68%,cotton pulp and wood pulp containing various requiring soft transportation and not be easily impacted by high speed centrituqaI impact,as welI as sewage waste etc. Product:the special functions of flat vane pump enable the pump to work under severe conditions more reliably more excellently, more economically and more efficiently. Most important of all, it wilI not damage the medium. Even the crispy blood cells will not be damaged when transported by flat vane pump.There is no winding or blocking when transporting particles,long fibers and sediments When it is transported the flat vane pump.the paper pulp can pass without impact so as to guarantee the equality of fluid. There has no the occurrence of dehydration and loss of fiber. The flat vane pump has such advantages as no impact,no radial load and no abrasion. Therefore,the parts of flat vane pump do not need too much replacement and repair. It is widely applied in pharmacy, biological engineering,chemical sewage,wine,starch, paper&pulp, food etc lndustries. The pump has excellent performance,reasonable structure and reliable use.
Because of the non-impact and sheet flow,even the bubbles will not be broken during the transportation. They can pass through the flat vane as smoothly as solid particles. Even if the transported fluid contains gas of more than 70%,there will have no occurrence of explosion and cracking of bubbles and there will have no occurrence of cavitation,noise and vibration etc.
The principle Is that the special flat board is adopted as the rough the physicaI viscous driving and the special structure of flat vane.the medium will form Iaminar flow to pulI the medium from the inlet and push it to the outlet centrifugal flat vane pump is designed to transport fluid medium through the physical viscosity driving and the Iaminar flow formed by the medium Therefore, the medium wilI make bar-shaped flow inside the pump without lmpact.the medium contacting the vane and the flow Iayer of tube wall are static to the vane,and they can move synchronously without friction,so that there is no medium impact that may damage the product,and the laminar flow of pump can be protected Therefore,the flat vane pump can absolutely solve the common problems of produet damage abrasion of vane and pump body caused by media,vane blocking and occurrence of cavitation etc. The special functions of flat vane pump enable the pump to work under severe conditions more reliably more excellently.more economically and more efficiently. Most important of wilI not damage the mediu.It is applicable for transporting media of different viscosity,media of high viscosity,media with solid particles,media requiring that the particles should be protected from being damaged and media requiring soft transportation and not be easily impacted by high speed centrlfugal impact. Application range:it is applicable for transporting media of different viscosity,media of high viscosity media with solid particles of more than 75%(accord-ing to the can be designed to transport particles of 30—80mm),media requiring that the particles should be protected from being damaged,media with gas or air of more than 68%,cotton pulp and wood pulp containing various requiring soft transportation and not be easily impacted by high speed centrituqaI impact,as welI as sewage waste etc. Product:the special functions of flat vane pump enable the pump to work under severe conditions more reliably more excellently, more economically and more efficiently. Most important of all, it wilI not damage the medium. Even the crispy blood cells will not be damaged when transported by flat vane pump.There is no winding or blocking when transporting particles,long fibers and sediments When it is transported the flat vane pump.the paper pulp can pass without impact so as to guarantee the equality of fluid. There has no the occurrence of dehydration and loss of fiber. The flat vane pump has such advantages as no impact,no radial load and no abrasion. Therefore,the parts of flat vane pump do not need too much replacement and repair. It is widely applied in pharmacy, biological engineering,chemical sewage,wine,starch, paper&pulp, food etc lndustries. The pump has excellent performance,reasonable structure and reliable use.

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